About the American Rescue Plan

Thursday, August 5, 2021

UPDATE Newsletter American Rescue Plan.png

Host & Convener:
Tawanna A Black, Center for Economic Inclusion

Facilitated Discussion:


Over the next couple of years, local elected leaders will invest $1.14 billion in American Rescue Plan (ARP) dollars in the Minneapolis-St. Paul region to undo the harm caused by COVID-19 and generations of economic and racial disparities that came before it.

At a Transportation Advisory Board meeting in May, leaders asked if a regional fund for racial equity could best position our region for inclusive economic competitiveness.

On Thursday, August 5, the Center convened with other elected officials and economic development staff to not only explore this idea, but to identify commitments, needs, and opportunities for aligned investment.

List of key takeaways from the discussions:

  1. Balancing our instinct for urgent action with this opportunity to slow down and be thoughtful, planful, and dream with community.

  2. Committing to intentional listening -- prioritizing communities and community voices.

  3. Focusing on the "how" of funding allocation decisions more than the "what."

  4. Calling for bold leadership from elected leaders who are charged with deploying and investing dollars.

  5. Ensuring all actions we take are transformational, not transactional, and have a multiplication effect.

  6. Evaluating and measuring the impact of ARP dollars already committed.

  7. Ensuring that accountability is central and achieved in solidarity.

Media Coverage
Finance & Commerce attended and covered the convening. Click here for the article.

Full Discussion Video